Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Thrill of Being a Year Older

Birthdays. Even though we share the celebration of that day with an estimated 1/365th of the world, it is that one time of year when we feel more special than anyone else. It’s a great day.

I celebrated my birthday for the 47th time yesterday, and it wasn’t a disappointment. I spent the evening with family after a day spent on the computer putting together words and sending out emails. In between, I received numerous messages recognizing my special day.

The great thing about birthdays is that it is the one time of year when we might actually hear from the majority of the people in our lives. People I might not have talked to at all in months appear when it’s my birthday. It might be a card from a distant relative or a friendly email from a long-time friend or just a social media message.

In addition to the people in our lives, we also get birthday congratulations from the various organizations not necessarily in our lives. Dating websites we signed up for years ago. ESPN. Some of the apps on our phones. Many of which go unnoticed because the personal messages seem to come in waves on this day.

Sure, sometimes I do notice the people who forget my birthday or just don’t care, but it doesn’t override the positive that comes with having people reach out on this one day. And frankly, I didn’t do anything more to contribute to this day than just seek to be born. But we celebrate birthdays in the society I live in and it is the one day you get to be the center of attention. It’s great.

So, if you ever wonder why I try to personally thank everyone for their messages and why I do my best to wish everyone a happy birthday when it is their special day, this is why. It is a special day and I know how good it feels to have that day come around once a year.

Thanks again for the attention and I will see everyone in a year!

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