Sunday, July 14, 2019

New Year, Same Old (New and Improved) Me

Remember back over half a year ago when we all put it out there about how we were going to be better people and go to the gym and treat people better and all those nice and fluffy things we know as resolutions?

Well, I resolved this year that I, in fact, was not going to be among those who announced resolutions and then not follow through on them. Instead, I decided to learn some new things and get back to doing things I used to do.

The new things were to learn a new language and to play the guitar. I have decided to learn Spanish (yes, I was that guy who took French in high school) and I am a reformed drummer who has found it impossible to keep up my skills as an old school percussionist. As for returning to a couple of previous behaviors, I vowed that I would start doing yoga again, travel to more places and get back to writing when I have time. So, yeah, I have mostly failed.

But, I finally found a few minutes this week to at least write again.

For those of you who have known me for a while, you’ll know writing has been my passion since even before I was reporting on sports in high school. That carried over into college (sports editor at The Southwestern and The Vista) and then into my professional career (political reporter, PR consultant, columnist) and now as a blogger. I’m not new to blogging but I have been on hiatus from it for more than a few months.

I’m excited about all of the expectations I set for myself in 2019, despite having only really slightly fulfilled them. I have done yoga a couple of times at home this year, I have spoken a couple of Spanish words (maybe the NSFW variety) and I did buy a guitar. I have traveled a lot but I’ll enjoy talking about that another day.

Some people are great at getting points across through the spoken word or by actions (and some not at all), but I have found my best outlet for communication is the written word. So, let today be a warning that I intend to write more and hopefully I can entertain, inform or at least keep from boring people to death. But, I might be fine with that too, because it means it was read by somebody.